Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Road to Hell: A poem

I've noticed that a lot of people use their Blogs for posting poetry. An outlet, I suppose - a medium. A way of expressing. Or maybe just fishing for an agent or publishing deal - I'm sure there are a lot reasons.

Why The Road to Hell thing again? Well - this is going to be my poem post. Don't worry - there are unlikely to be more. I don't feel of a mind to share my self-penned song lyrics with you just now. The link between this poem and the M25 is pretty tenuous. When I wrote this, I was parked on the M25 on a Monday morning, on my way to Microsoft for a meeting with some inconsiderate person, who hadn't bothered to think through the implications of requesting a Hitchin resident be in Reading for 09:30 on a Monday morning!! Grrr. (End of rant).

Anyway - here's the poem - it is - as yet - untitled - comments welcome!...

Hope is where you keep talking
Peace is where you make it
Love is where you find it
Beauty is where you see it
War is where you loose it
Faith is where you believe it is
Respect is where you earn it
Honour is where you live it
Truth is where it always was
Friendship is where you're safe in being yourself

I hope you liked it. :)

See ya!


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