Sunday, July 03, 2005

DVD Spree

I have been very quiet lately - sorry. Life has been very busy. Examples being:
* two weeks in Florida
* a week in Yorkshire
* a week in Sweden
* Roger passing away
* doing lots of School Governor things
* Family Drama

I will try and do better - after all - the title and idea was always "Keith's Two Minutes" - the idea of only having two minutes to do this.

Yesterday, I did something very unusual for me. I bought DVD's. A veritable spree. But then, they were going cheap. I bought:

* Kill Bill Vol.1
* Kill Bill Vol.2 (perhaps predictably)
* Notting Hill (you know I'm a softy - this IS for me!)
* Matrix Revolutions (2-disc version) - just because I don't have it, and you can't go having a 2-part trilogy!
* The Usual Suspects - how have I gone so long without this?? Two disc version again - this deserves an evening at some point
* I, Robot (2-disc version) - because it's good and chic and cool

...and in a concession to the rest of the family...
* Bruce Almighty - because it is very good/funny, and the DVD has deleted scenes and out-takes
* Thunderbirds - to keep the kids quiet. I would like to make a very clear point of distancing me from this movie - I thought it was complete crap. No - really - I did.

On average, the above were £7 each - but Thunderbirds was £3.99 - and I question the value at that price!!! Notting Hill was £4.99 - excellent value.


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