Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Power of D

Take the word ENTRANCE. It is a mundane, and relatively "boring" word. We see it everywhere. The way in, a door. You probably don't give it a second thought.

Now - prepare to witness the AWESOME POWER of the letter D.

I give you ENTRANCED!!!!

This is a whole new ball-game. Now we are talking about a seriously interesting word, which you don't see everyday - you might consider it if you've just been emotionally knocked sideways by that drop-dead gorgeous babe that you just made eye contact with across a crowded room. (I should stress that I use 'babe' as a gender-neutral phrase). Entranced is to be captivated, held in a trance-like state, filled with wonder or delight, beguiled, charmed.

Have a good one!


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