Monday, July 04, 2005

In Denial

I am not addicted to Sudoku. It really ISN'T a problem. I don't do many - not compared to some - and I can almost stop whenever I want to. I think there is still more to learn about them - at least for me. I've reached the point where I have to guess - like some kind of leap in the dark to see where it leads. And if you get it wrong, you have to unravel the whole thing and go back. And that goes against the grain with me. I want logic - cold and trustworthy. So if guessing is to be avoided, then I need to go on an Epic Quest for Further Knowledge. And possibly doughnuts. The two are often found together. To date, I have pointedly avoided reading about Sudoku - I wanted to find my own methods and strategies. We'll see...


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