Friday, August 04, 2006

Lunchtime Muse

I haven't blogged for what seems like a very, very long time. There are other things I haven't done for a long time either - like my Word of the Day distribution to my friends and colleagues.

Now I am somewhat inspired by something I just read in IT Week. I read the same story covered from two perspectives - and it's Dead Topical for this forum. It was about Blogging and work. Blogging and your employer. An English ex-pat living in Paris - Catherine Sanderson. The first article was a MULL over the whole idea of freedom of speech, rights of employers and employees and how companies and individuals should behave. Pulling together recent news and events in this area.

The second article - on the back page - was a critique of the Blog itself.

After reading both these articles in the same sitting, I had to have a peek - . I've never read an "award-winning" Blog before. She is looking for a book deal. ;) I'm not actively looking for a book deal - I have enough trouble finding time to read a book, let alone write one.

I enjoyed dipping in to Catherine's blog. You should have a look. I remember spending a whole lunch hour reading Chantel's blog once. It was entertaining and I learnt quite a lot about my friend. Perhaps I should devote some quality time to reading Catherine's blog.

There's a paradox in Keith's Two Minutes. The idea was that I'd dash off something quick every day in about two minutes. That SURELY I could devote two minutes each day to this activity. The archive record shows that I blatantly can't, but also shows graphically why not.

I am incapable of writing for two minutes. I just can't do it. Twenty minutes - maybe. Two hours - no problem at all. Two minutes? Nope. Forget it. Aint ever going to happen. Even my Autochanger Audits take longer than two minutes to pen.

Two minutes would be a soundbyte - a flicker - a thought with little context or explanation - and I don't do that. Good communication and context are incredibly important to me and central to how I'm wired. I simply can't do two minutes - sorry.

Revisiting this Blog also made me think about the whys and wherefors. I know my friends read this, and I know I get comments from time to time that are clearly bogus in nature - scams and adverts. Unlike Catherine's, and to a lesser extent Chantel's, my blog is far more of a backwater. A place where it seems only those who know me go. Which is fine - it's just an observation. People have said to me that I should have a newspaper column or something like that - I have had stuff published - it's kind of cool to see your name in print - but again it comes back to precious time.

Enough musings. I will try and Blog more. Haven't I said that before? I will Blog on my beloved rats. I will blog on stuff that is entertaining me and stuff that is in my mind. I don't think I've ever blogged about work, and I've no intentions of starting. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's compartmentalising my life! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should definitely blog more - since I can't chat to you on Messenger anymore, how else will I find out what's going on in your life? :)


12 August 2006 at 13:34  

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