Thursday, April 08, 2010


My original idea for this Blog - going back YEARS now - was that it was a sort of personal precursor to TWITTER. Whilst Twitter imposes a character restriction, my Blog was to impose a TIME restriction.

The reasoning behind this was that I thought I did't have TIME to Blog - by setting a two minute time limit on my posts, surely I could spare just two minutes a day to post something.

In practice, it didn't work. It was a potentially good idea, but it wasn't the idea that was the problem - it was me! The problem is that I'm incapable of writing short, concise posts. I go on and on and on. Two minutes expands to fit the time available - which is typically a lunch hour.

Even this "brief" introduction is too long! I am incapable of writing for two minutes. But now - because I have something that I want to say, and I want a diary form for it - Keith's Two Minutes is BACK!


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