Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Virgin Media "24"

The following events took place between 3pm and 4pm on Tuesday 27th April 2010...

VirginMedia dude arrived at 15:25.
He completed a site survey, and we played "hunt the gray box". We found it on the side of the garage. This is the old Cabletel box from Way Back When. The deal is that Virgin have fibre to their box at the bottom of the street, and then copper coaxial cable from the box to the door. Ironically, it's only relatively recently that we took down the Cabletel cabling - when we had the double-glazing done. Now it's being put back up again - but all shiny and new for 2010.
Dude has had two glasses of chilled water and reckons that in buying 10mbit broadband from VirginMedia, we should get 9mbit no problem. If he's right, then that will be 2-3 times faster than my 20mbit service from Sky over copper from the BT exchange. We'll see...


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