Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Batman Blues

I'd like to complain about the bats.

Firstly, I don't think there are enough of them. From what I've been able to see, we have four at the most. I just don't think that's enough. We got more sparrows than that. We've got more starlings than that. We've even got more collared doves than that. It's a pathetic showing, bats, sort it out!

We've also got insects that are crap at time management. May bugs. Look at it carefully - the clue is in the question. **MAY** Bugs. It's July 13th - what's THAT all about?? The trees, are swarming with May Bugs. They are a type of beetle that are harmless to humans - unless you're scared of them, and they are big, noisy, and generally gross. They swarm around trees. And houses. And specifically chimneys - which they fly DOWN. If you have a chimney that is open in any way more than a few centimetres, you'll end up with May Bugs swarming out of your fireplace while you're trying to watch TV - this is NOT FUN AT ALL. We've got around this problem by putting cardboard up over the fireplace.

Given that they are attracted to light, and are not very smart, they also throw themselves against your windows. They are large, and have quite hard skin/shell (not sure if they are truly exoskeletal) - so when they smack into your windows, it makes a loud noise that can be frightening.

I said they're harmless to humans - not so to plants. In the bug stage, they eat leaves. The females lay about 200 eggs - but they lay them underground - they dig holes, and bury them. When the eggs hatch, the lavae eat plant roots. So you've got the lavae attacking the roots, and the bugs attacking the leaves - not good.

So - much like someone you could probably name in your office - May Bugs have absolutely no redeeming or endearing features that I'm aware of.

Which is where the bats SHOULD come in - bats eat insects. But I think our bats take one look at these SWARMS (and I'm talking black clouds here) of May Bugs, and do a runner! This should work out perfectly - the May Bugs come out just after dusk - when the birds have gone to bed - but that should also be when the bats are around. So - again - shout going out to the bats - SORT IT OUT!!!

Too late now - but - next year - bat box going up on the side of our house!

In other news - I found the Great Wall of China on Google Earth. It was in China. Big Surprise.

Friday, July 08, 2005


My family are hooked on Google Earth! This week - everyone has been on it. We have been to all the places we've visited around the world. And now we're going to places we'd like to visit. I have tried to find the Great Wall of China - but no luck so far. I'm sure I'll get there - at least on Google Earth!! ;)

Monday, July 04, 2005

In Denial

I am not addicted to Sudoku. It really ISN'T a problem. I don't do many - not compared to some - and I can almost stop whenever I want to. I think there is still more to learn about them - at least for me. I've reached the point where I have to guess - like some kind of leap in the dark to see where it leads. And if you get it wrong, you have to unravel the whole thing and go back. And that goes against the grain with me. I want logic - cold and trustworthy. So if guessing is to be avoided, then I need to go on an Epic Quest for Further Knowledge. And possibly doughnuts. The two are often found together. To date, I have pointedly avoided reading about Sudoku - I wanted to find my own methods and strategies. We'll see...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

DVD Spree

I have been very quiet lately - sorry. Life has been very busy. Examples being:
* two weeks in Florida
* a week in Yorkshire
* a week in Sweden
* Roger passing away
* doing lots of School Governor things
* Family Drama

I will try and do better - after all - the title and idea was always "Keith's Two Minutes" - the idea of only having two minutes to do this.

Yesterday, I did something very unusual for me. I bought DVD's. A veritable spree. But then, they were going cheap. I bought:

* Kill Bill Vol.1
* Kill Bill Vol.2 (perhaps predictably)
* Notting Hill (you know I'm a softy - this IS for me!)
* Matrix Revolutions (2-disc version) - just because I don't have it, and you can't go having a 2-part trilogy!
* The Usual Suspects - how have I gone so long without this?? Two disc version again - this deserves an evening at some point
* I, Robot (2-disc version) - because it's good and chic and cool

...and in a concession to the rest of the family...
* Bruce Almighty - because it is very good/funny, and the DVD has deleted scenes and out-takes
* Thunderbirds - to keep the kids quiet. I would like to make a very clear point of distancing me from this movie - I thought it was complete crap. No - really - I did.

On average, the above were £7 each - but Thunderbirds was £3.99 - and I question the value at that price!!! Notting Hill was £4.99 - excellent value.